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The Condition of Israel

How the Lord in his wrath
    shamed[a] cherished[b] Zion!
He cast down from heaven to earth
    the glory of Israel,
He did not remember his footstool[c]
    in the time of his anger.

The Lord swallowed up without pity
    all of Jacob’s habitations.
In his wrath he tore down
    the strongholds of fair Judah.[d]
He cast to the ground in dishonor
    both her kingdom and its rulers.

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  1. Lamentations 2:1 Or enveloped
  2. Lamentations 2:1 Lit. the daughter of
  3. Lamentations 2:1 I.e. the Temple
  4. Lamentations 2:2 Lit. of the daughter of Judah